7 years ago
The inventor of Linux is furious at Intel
Linus Torvalds, the inventor and founder of the Linux operating system, is not known for holding back strong opinions he has about computers, and he is now one of the loudest voices critical of Intel's handling of "Meltdown," the flaw revealed Wednesday that could enable an attacker to steal confidential information including passwords.
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He's right though, read the intel's response. They don't say anything, at all. It's great PR, but if you're looking for a fix you'd be very annoyed.
Besides this article kind of makes it sound as if Linus just found out about this -- they've been working on fixes for this for months in silence & secrecy, trying to push fixes through as fast as possible and clean up the mess that Intel made. And then they say ridiculous things that don't amount to anything, promising fixes where there can't be any.
By the way here's a great blog post that was one of the first to kind of put things together, and notice something was up; its predictions were a bit off but it was a good start.