Post Overview
9 years ago+20 22 2My new tattoo, Girl Power
It could also be read as "I turn women on"
9 years ago+5 5 0A (Cisgender) Lesbian is Targeted by the Bathroom Police
An interesting article on the practical problems of "bathroom laws" and how they can affect cisgender people as well as transgender people.
9 years ago+3 3 0Project Womyn, In Parts
A wonderful photo essay project on Autostraddle. I love it!
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0Let's All Say Hi!
Welcome to the Queer Ladies Tribe! If you're just joining us stop in on this thread (or start a new discussion) and introduce yourself! I started this tribe because I felt like there are very few womens spaces on large swaths of the Internet, and coming from reddit where twoxchromosomes was completely overrun with men and /r/actuallesbians was mostly full of vapid memes and coming out stories. I want to have a real supportive community here where we can get to know each other and talk about real things affecting queer women in a safe space.
9 years agoUnspecified+11 11 0Queer Ladies (and allies): Come visit /t/queerladies !
I noticed there were no queer focused tribes on snapzu so I created one for queer ladies and allies. Come talk about OITNB, Tegan and Sarah, Veganism, Cats, or even non-sterotypical queer things!
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0Another Redditor Saying "Hi"!
Hi everyone! Like (seemingly) many of you I am (was?) a redditor who started looking into some alternatives during the blackout and associated drama. Reddit seems to be getting itself back together as much as it was before that all went down but the quality of conversation and links has been going down for a while anyway so I'm hoping to find another community with less trolling and perhaps higher standards for discourse.