
Let's All Say Hi!

Welcome to the Queer Ladies Tribe! If you're just joining us stop in on this thread (or start a new discussion) and introduce yourself! I started this tribe because I felt like there are very few womens spaces on large swaths of the Internet, and coming from reddit where twoxchromosomes was completely overrun with men and /r/actuallesbians was mostly full of vapid memes and coming out stories. I want to have a real supportive community here where we can get to know each other and talk about real things affecting queer women in a safe space.

9 years ago by miyakohouou with 1 comments

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  • miyakohouou

    I'll start the discussion! I'm Rebecca, a 31 y/o software developer from Illinois and I'm lesbi...ish? homosexual/panromantic? sexuality is complicated so I just go with queer :) I married the love of my life in October. I like owning video games (steam sales are addicting yo) but I rarely play them anymore. I kind of get addicted to prime-time soap opera-y dramas times a lot, and I love zombie movies even though the sight of (even very obviously fake) blood makes me pass out.