Post Overview
9 years ago+10 10 0Rotting Fungus Creates Beautiful, Glistening 'Hair Ice'
A century-long puzzle over how delicate strands of glistening ice burst through rotting tree branches, like heads of hair, is closer to being solved.
9 years ago+2 2 0Social 20-year-olds are more satisfied at 50
The quantity of social interactions a person has at 20—and the quality of friendships that person has at age 30—may increase well-being later in life.
9 years ago+2 2 0As A White Mom, Helping My Multiracial Kids Feel At Home In Their Skin
As more families resemble my own, more parents are going to have to figure out how to talk to their kids about what it means to be mixed race. Here are a few things I've learned.
9 years ago+11 12 1Giant panda
I suspect pandas may actually be people in panda suits.
9 years ago+15 15 0The Science Behind Why Pandas Are So Damn Cute
There’s a reason why millions adore these furry exemplars of China’s “soft power”
9 years ago+10 10 0Schrödinger's cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics
Everything you need to know about a famous imaginary cat in a box.
9 years ago+27 27 0 x 1The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries
We have a rare chance now, with many teachers near retirement, to prove we’re serious about education. The first step is to make the teaching profession more attractive to college graduates.
9 years ago+2 2 0Romanesco Broccoli: The Fascinating Vegetable Shaped Like Fibonnacci's Golden Ratio
Vegetables and math? Every child's nightmare.
9 years ago+12 12 0Ginkgo biloba: Survivor
How to survive an ice age, a mass extinction, and a meteor strike—and live to tell about it.
9 years ago+1 1 0How to get a banjo
Advice from a new banjo player on how to overcome the first obstacle of becoming a great player - buying your first instrument.
9 years ago+9 9 0Rolling a Reliant Robin
This episode of Top Gear is about the funniest bit of television I've seen.
9 years ago+5 6 16,000-Year-Old Hollowed Out Tree is a Bar Inside
Nature is often the inspiration for architecture and design. We've even seen our fair share of fully functional tree houses, but in South Africa there is an entirely unique, hollowed out tree called Sunland Big Baobab that has actually been conv ...
9 years ago+27 27 0 x 1The world's oldest living things
Rachel Sussman shows photographs of the world's oldest continuously living organisms -- from 2,000-year-old brain coral off Tobago's coast to an "underground forest" in South Africa that has lived since before the dawn of agricult ...
9 years ago+19 19 0Guinea Pig Bridge at the Nagasaki Bio Park
Transporting guinea pigs from point A to point B. Song by Parry Gripp
9 years ago+20 20 0 x 1What's that sound? 7 wildlife calls you might hear in your backyard
As their habitats give way to sprawling human developments, more and more animals are being forced into cities and suburbs.
9 years ago+27 27 0 x 1Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Simple Explanation of Climate Change
Text Post
9 years ago+16 16 0Hello Snapzu. Can we be friends?
I admit I came here on the great Reddit migration. I lurked on reddit for longer than I care to admit, but never felt compelled to create an account. I was more than happy with consuming content created by the "other people" who must be better at internet-ing than myself. See, I'm not old, but I'm not young either. I'm old enough to have outgrown the compulsion to share every opinion I have, but still young enough that I want to (and believe I can) make a difference in this world. Plus, I will admit, sometimes technology gets the better of me.
So when I heard about this "snappy" place, I had to check it out. And I fell in love. Here is a place where quality content exists, discussions are civil, open-minded and downright kind. I instantly felt like I could actually be a contributing member of this magical place. And three days in, I feel like I have made an impact. Nothing major, or even noteworthy, but I have put ideas out there and others have responded. I feel all warm and fuzzy and may have even run around my house jumping up and down and yelling, "I'm winning the internet!" when I got my first comment on a post.
My request, as a brand spankin' new member of this community, please please please don't change. Stay small. Stay interested in new ideas, alternative perspectives, and a welcoming community. Keep encouraging each other. Don't become obsessed with imaginary internet points. Keep making me jump around with joy because I made a connection with a complete stranger.
In short, can we be friends?
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9 years ago+12 12 0Panda Pack Starts Massive Brawl
I've never seen pandas move this fast before...
Current Event
9 years ago+18 18 0How Hillary Clinton's State Department sold fracking to the world
A trove of secret documents details the US government's global push for shale gas.
9 years ago+12 12 0The first 100 Days of Mei Lun and Mei Huan
Watch how quickly these two transform from pink rats into miniature pandas