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Published 8 years ago by melaniee with 4 Comments

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  • leweb

    So, yet another effective treatment that will never be used because of big pharma?

    • Gozzin

      If they can't charge $1,000 per treatment,they can't be bothered. They are all ran by money grabbing sociopaths who can't do the right thing it it kills them.

      • leweb

        Well, here's the thing. I'm not really into communism or anything. I do think that competition, people pursuing their own benefit, etc. is a good thing. The problem we have here is that we have a government that rewards mediocrity through corruption. The right way for this to work is for pharma companies to try to develop drugs that work better than everything else available, as opposed to developing things that work better than a sugar pill (placebo), and paying off politicians to make sure that the cheap things that work better are illegal.

        Of course, all of this wouldn't be an issue if politicians didn't behave like cheap prostitutes, but sadly that's the world we live in.

        • Gozzin

          So true and the chances of it ever changing are zero in my way of thinking.

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