Conversation 11 comments by 5 users
  • imokruok

    Windows is a mess, has been since 3.1.

    • utesred

      I see replies like these occasionally, and I always wonder exactly what people like you mean. Personally, I use Windows every day, and it checks all of the boxes on my checklist of expectations.

      Why do you think Windows is a mess? What changed after 3.1?

      • Inconceivable

        Some people just have to stick it to The Man.

        • imokruok

          Yeah when an operating system becomes oppressive to the user, you stick to the man.

      • Fuyu

        I agree, even worse is people seem to stomp on Windows... but every alternative is worse! Like it or not, Windows is a standard, and if there's software I want to use it's more than likely going to be on Windows, often exclusively.

        • imokruok

          Aside from games and maybe audio production, windows hasn't had exclusive software since the 90's. Which "alternatives" have you tried?

          • Fuyu

            I'm a gamer, games are pretty much what matters to me, so yeah, Linux is next to useless for me and don't get me started on Macs. Not only that, Autodesk Maya (the program I use for my degree and any related job I would get) is only supported on a handful of Linux systems, one of which is proprietary. It may not be fully exclusive, but it's not inclusive either.

            • imokruok

              I'm a gamer too, so of course I use windows. I think it's important to use the appropriate operating system that works best for the intended outcome.

      • imokruok

        And I see replies like yours all the time. Mostly from people who don't know any better. 3.1 was superseded by 95, enough said.

    • Kayzaks

      *used to be a mess.

      Windows has been fine again since Windows 8.