• drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

    Yep, that might be so, but lately I have been reading on the business practices of Costco... yet another competitor that is in Walmart's territory. It made for some interesting reading, specifically the part where the workers there adore the place, they don't strike, and they get paid almost double making their wages viable and life a lot less stressful. Where Walmart works along with the rest of the capitalistic model to keep their workforce in place, Costco makes every effort to help their employees flourish. Walmart is a dying breed, their demise, sadly, is taking way too long.

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
    @drunkenninja -

    Walmart's profit growth will suffer, but only because they have neared the saturation point. Dying breed?, demise?, "works along with the rest of the capitalistic model", specifically just what? The capitalistic model is based on, I repeat, you, I, and everyone else.

  • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

    The capitalistic model is based on, I repeat, you. I, and everyone else.

    Agree with your statement 100%. We are all part of a system that is not working for us and it hasn't for a long time, if anything we are working for it like a slave works for their master. Only the elite few benefit from it, and as they get richer the rest of us get poorer. The american dream? That's been dead for decades now. Is the current capitalist model the best model for society? Who knows, we all have our opinions, but I'm sure many would agree that the way things are benefit almost no one. We are nothing but cattle, jumping through hoops to make it work... and for who? surely not for the majority of the American population or the world for that matter.

    @drunkenninja -

    Work for yourself, or prepare for a decent career, the American Dream is only what you make it. Victimization is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

      Work for yourself, or prepare for a decent career, the American Dream is only what you make it. Victimization is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Easier said than done. Personally I can see that you're more than likely very well off and probably in a much better financial situation than most. You're a smart guy, and you definitely know how to argue your point so I congratulate you on that. Sadly, not everyone is as smart as you, not as well educated or able to articulate themselves in such a matter that you have so gracefully displayed. Capitalism doesn't work for those people, they don't have those same opportunities, they probably don't even have the time to pop onto here and enjoy a discussion or two. They are busy living foot to mouth trying to make ends meet, stressing every day about bills they can't pay. It is those people that are the workforce that make capitalism work, and at what cost?

      Anyway, we all have our opinions, and I feel we have exhausted this discussion. Good on you for sticking to your beliefs man. Cheers.