7 years ago
"had to", nope.
Paid for, yep.
Their, (the sherpa's), decision to make.
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
"Almost no American schoolchildren learn that segregation has been government policy." For that matter neither do adults.
Or the authors/promoters of the bulk of it. A thing I have referred to, a few times, during my time here
Posted in: How the U.S. Government Segregated America
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Same same.
7 years ago
Yep, optics.
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Live it.
Embrace it.
Posted in: 7 Ways to Maximize Misery
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Money drives/buys tech,,,,,,, ,period.
Network all you wish, our every communication, monitored and paid for, by us.,,,,,,,,LOL
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Too blatant for CNN?
Posted in: CNN fires Kathy Griffin
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Then there's this:,,,,,,,," Reports of mismanagement and pervasive corruption -- Afghans flying off with suitcases of foreign aid cash to buy luxury villas in Dubai or Ugandan Prime Minister Patrick Amama Mbabazi forced to apologize when his staff stole $13 million in aid money -- feed the perception that foreign aid is not money well spent."
7 years ago
Kinda like sittin around the ole sewin circle,,,,,,,,,,,,eh gals?
7 years ago
You may like who you wish. My comments re: Adelle are based on observation and verified by his manners/behavior, nothing more.
7 years ago
Thank you App, of course not part of the article.
I reckon Adelle is still fumbling for his meds.
7 years ago
I reckon you would just have to re-read the article. That dyslexia can be a bitch, I understand. Take your Ritalin, Adderall or whatever.
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
One tenth they lost from post-election sell offs.
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Until her/their next military request.
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
"Gate", lends gravitas.
7 years ago
Yep, you should have.
7 years ago
The article ,wrongly but clearly, states he was provoked by Trump's statements.
"Only that they're fellow anti-Muslim bigots.", good to see you out of the closet.
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
The problem with this report is that the perp was not a supporter, but rather a detractor, of Trump.
7 years ago
"Part of another country"
To just which are they a part now?
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
7 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
Yep, that and two scoops are eminently newsworthy.
8 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
"But immigration proceedings are matters of administrative law, not criminal law. (As a result, the consequence of violating your immigration status is not jail but deportation.) And Congress has nearly full authority to regulate immigration without interference from the courts. Because immigration is considered a matter of national security and foreign policy, the Supreme Court has long held that immigration law is largely immune from judicial review"
"............ have no legal right to intrude on the prerogatives of the executive branch, which Congress has vested with near-unfettered discretion to administer immigration laws and policy."
8 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
"Alwan, whose fingerprints were found on an unexploded IED found in Iraq, pleaded guilty earlier in the case on Dec. 16, 2011, to all counts of a 23-count federal indictment."............"It Was The FBI's Own Plot"....... more accurately "sting operation"
"According to an ABC News article from 2013, the Obama administration did indeed cease processing Iraqi refugees from entering the U.S. in 2011 for a six-month period, even people who had previously helped U.S. forces in Iraq. One person who applied for refugee status was killed while waiting to be processed. This happened after two Iraqi refugees in Kentucky were found to be al Qaeda terrorists and had allegedly killed U.S. soldiers while in Iraq. According to the report: “Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees.”
"This prompted the U.S. to improve their refugee screening process and make it much tougher."
show more -
8 years agoRelated Link MAGISTERLUDI
The Real Controversy Over The Non-Existent 'Bowling Green Massacre' Is That It Was The FBI's Own Plot
MAGISTERLUDI added 1 related link(s)
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8 years agoComment MAGISTERLUDI
While Conway misspoke as to the "massacre", her point as to former President Obama's immigration "ban" is accurate, and so of course ignored. President Obama did indeed for a six month period ban refugees from Iraq. But only after documented evidence as to there being terrorists already admitted. It would be more accurately described President Trumps ban pro-active, rather than reactive as President Obama's.
"According to an ABC News article from 2013, the Obama administration did indeed cease processing Iraqi refugees from entering the U.S. in 2011 for a six-month period, even people who had previously helped U.S. forces in Iraq. One person who applied for refugee status was killed while waiting to be processed. This happened after two Iraqi refugees in Kentucky were found to be al Qaeda terrorists and had allegedly killed U.S. soldiers while in Iraq. According to the report: “Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees.”
"This prompted the U.S. to improve their refugee screening process and make it much tougher."
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