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Commented in Sweden: Woman Raped by 3 Men of “Middle Eastern Appearance” Broadcast Live on Facebook
Somehow I don’t think they’re eating off every dish that comes out of a tainted kitchen. Beyond that, you’ve got me “swearing by” bugaboos of yours you’ve selected at random. You make this stuff up. Guess which of those three sites I can hardly stand.
Commented in Veteran, 91, discharged in 1948 for being gay files lawsuit
Fuck you.
Commented in The Coming Plague of Poverty Among the Elderly: Clinton’s Plan For Gutting Social Security
From your "actual original source": "When Social Security needs to start cashing in its holdings of Treasury securities to meet its benefit obligations, the federal government will have to increase its borrowing from the public, or raise taxes or spend less."
Put simply: the "trust fund" is "unfunded". Now you know.
"Negative cash flow last year was about $74 billion, according to the latest trustees’ report, and this year the gap is projected to be around $84 billion."