7 years ago
8 Foods We Eat In The U.S. That Are Banned In Other Countries
This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "food poisoning." Original list found in Dr. Jayson Calton and certified nutritionist Mira Calton's new book, Rich Food, Poor Food. An old article but still relevant.
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I don't eat any of that crap.
This is garbage.
What part
I think he's referring to the list of foods... And most likey the source as well!
Like I said in the description, it's an old article, and because it was so old, I checked each item and the chemicals mentioned to be in them and they are still available AFAICT in the states and still banned most other places.
As for buzzfeed, they do some good journalism.
I was completely unprepared for this when I first saw it in the wild.
I view buzzfeed right up there with Drudge, just in this case it's liberal drudge... but, I think this was an ok article and really hits home how much corporations can get away with by bribing the FDA or Congress. It reminds me of how not that long ago they were telling everybody how bad high fructose corn syrup really is compared to straight sugar which is also bad for you, so the HFCS industry petitioned to change the name of it to something friendlier... corn sugar. I mean how can corn be bad for you.