• massani

    Man he is so unbelievably detached from the rest of the world.

    • casuallynoted

      His politifacts page shows that too. Not a single truth and over ten "pants on fire" lies.

      • massani

        Reminds me of the whole 'birther' debacle when Obama was running for re-election. Ugh.

        • spoderman

          Excuse my ignorance, but what was he trying to really achieve? I'm a little out of the loop on this one, and what a quick Google search tells me is a little to crazy/simple to be the whole story.

          • GKNS

            I think it must be the same as all of his other political appearances, i.e increasing his awareness in the public consciousness. I really can't imagine that he is truly dumb enough to make some of those comments without realizing how ignorant and obnoxious they are.

        • casuallynoted

          Exactly! Like what even was that?