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Published 8 years ago by jcscher with 4 Comments

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  • xXwraithXx

    Horrible siblings.

    • leweb

      Sure, but they were educated by him, so you have to wonder where they got this from.

  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    Most of us have been witness/privy to, or even involved in, this very scenario.

    Most usually do not involve amounts even resembling millions of dollars.

  • SandrasReality

    My ex-father in law was a successful entrepreneur that built a successful film distribution company in Latin America. His children grew up up going to private school and very privileged. One of them calls his dad a selfish bastard as he asks for money so he can live the life of a "starving" artist in Buenos Aires, and the other had the gall to ask his dad for his inheritance. Since the dad was a workaholic, he showed his kids affection by buying them whatever they wanted instead of teaching them the value of hard work and appreciation. My husband on the other hand never asked his dad for money because he was embarrassed by his brother's behavior. His dad is a very likable and charismatic man and it's horrible that his kids are basically holding their breath until the man dies. There is only so much you can do as a parent to instill values in your child. By giving his kids everything he never had growing up poor, the dad failed to teach them grit, hard work and appreciation . Hindsight is 20/20. At some point you the parents stop being responsible for their children's selfish nature. Sometimes selfish narcissistic parents end up having loving and sensitive children.