• Nerdeiro

    Like /u/TheDreamingMonk said, if you upgrade in the next year, it's yours too keep. I have no intention of actually using it for the time being, but I might upgrade only to ensure my key is upgraded and validated to Win10, then I'll revert back to Win8.1. You can do the same, just in case.

    Oh, and keep in mind that even you buy a brand new Windows 10 key (say, you bought a new laptop and it came with Win10), you can use that key to dowgrade to 8.1 or even 7 for as long as they're supported.

    • b1ackbird

      Well that's actually awesome. Can you do that with a Win10 free key? I HATE windows 8, but I occasionally have some work related stuff I have to do in Windows. It stinks but its beyond my ability to control. So I'd love to use a Win10 key to downgrade to Win7?