9 years ago
The transgender teddy bear teaching children about friendship and identity
Prompted by her father’s own decision to transition, Jessica Walton is crowdfunding her children’s book which tells the story of a teddy bear who identifies as female
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I'm of too minds on this. On the one hand, it's good to learn this sought of thing, on the other, I think we are starting to push these ideas a bit early on kids. On the one hand we say "Kids are growing up too fast and not getting time to be kids" while on the other hand we teach them all these things about identity and sex and gender when they are at the age where they still probably just want to run around in a playground. We dump these ideas, which cause conflict upon modern (sexist) people to children and expect them to understand it?
I suppose it will depend on how it's handled. I think it will probably confuse children, but if it is written good enough and handled tastefully (I'm sure it will) then I'll have to have a deeper look once it's out and reevaluate my position.
I'm on the fence for the same reasons. I want them to be able to be themselves which includes not influencing them which is what I'm worried this kind of thing has the potential to do.
Influence them how? To do what?
It's hard to be yourself when oppressive binary gender systems not only influence but dictate and command societal identity roles.