• Nuitblanche (edited 10 years ago)

    Come on... Foie gras is the tastiest food on earth. I have no clue what the hell is on this picture but certainly not foie gras !!! Come in France and try. You won't be disappointed ! Trust me ! Atleast meet some foie gras producers before saying that kind of stuff. It is far far far away from "torture". You don't know what you are talking about ! Come here and try ;)

    • drunkenninja

      How is force feeding birds until their livers swell up not torture?

      • Nuitblanche (edited 10 years ago)

        The force-feeding is a natural practice to the ducks, which, in the nature can make enlarge their liver up to 1 kg to surmount the migration. The breeders have just pressed this natural method (of course more than the natural way). I grant that it maybe shocking, even considered torture, but if we had to denounce the methods of torture, the force-feeding would not be the first aim! You should not merge the local producer who makes that by passion and, even if that seems to you impossible, with love of ducks, with the Bulgarian factory for example which makes that for the big industry without taking into account the animal well-being.