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  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    Tom Mulcair defends praise for Margaret Thatcher's 'winds of liberty and liberalism'

    NDP Leader Tom Mulcair on Wednesday defended flattering comments he made over a decade ago about the conservative policies of former U.K. prime minister Margaret Thatcher, a day after a video of his comments were circulated in Quebec.

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +6 6 0

    Jeremy Corbyn to apologise for Iraq war

    Jeremy Corbyn, the frontrunner for the Labour leadership, will apologise for Labour's "deception" in the run-up to the Iraq war and for the fallout from the war.

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +4 5 1

    "Why my own father would have let IS kill me" - BBC News

    Over the past few months, IS militants have posted online horrific images of themselves killing men for being gay - Taim was so scared he fled Iraq.

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +12 12 0

    Lord Stewart Wood on the Renewal of Social Democracy

    Stewart Wood discusses the status of social democracy in Europe and its potential future.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    What flavours do you like? What is your favourite?

    This is just in general. You can combine flavours if you'd like. I'm quite interesting in hearing the unique flavours that people like.

    It's a tough choice, and I almost said strawberry or strawberry-banana, but if I had to choose a favourite then it would be bubble gum flavour.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +8 8 0

    [Promotional] Snapzu Wikipedia Article

    It would be neat to have a summary of Snapzu's history and stuff. Plus, it might help others get into Snapzu if they are looking up the place.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +6 6 0

    [Features] Private Blog Mode/Diary

    I know that this may sound strange, but I would love to have a sort of diary on Snapzu. I have always wanted to keep an online diary of sorts but I hated the idea of using too many websites to do too many different things.

    A diary mode would perhaps only allow for invited users to read it, and perhaps there would be further restrictions on who could post. Or, alternatively, it would (more of a private blog) simply be an unlisted tribe that only those with the unlisted link could view and only those with permissions could post.

    It probably shouldn't be a priority feature to implement for Snapzu at the moment, but I would personally appreciate something like this.

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Selling Social Democracy: The Third Way in Canada, 1988-2011 (Jared Wesley)

    Discusses the NDP's "third way" approach in Canada on not just economics but also on political strategies.

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Talk: Social Democracy - New Life in an Old Idea? | Quadriga

    This video fixates on the German SPD's anniversary and wonders about their future. I have attached some questions and topics of conversation below if anyone is interested.

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +10 10 0

    The Nordic Model of Social Democracy: A Conversation with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    +12 12 0

    New political party of high-profile TDs called 'Social Democrats'

    The social democratic Labour Party in Ireland has some new competitors with a new party called the Social Democrats.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    [User Feature] Changing Username Capitalization

    For example, I would like to change gremlin to Gremlin

    I sorta goofed when I first signed up to Snapzu.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Changing the capitalization of one's username

    Is it possible on Snapzu? I would love to be Gremlin instead of gremlin.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    The price of powered foods

    I saw the post in /t/newtribes and I had a simple question.

    Is it more affordable than the normal price an average person spends on food? How about a thrifty person? If it isn't, then are they planning on making this sort of stuff cheaper in the future?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0

    What are your favourite species?

    A classic topic. Feel free to add in your second favourites or a species that you think deserves more love.

    Favourite species: Monkey (obviously XD)

    Species that deserve more love: Insects

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    /t/socialdemocracy - A tribe to discuss Social Democracy

    As the title says, /t/socialdemocracy is a place to discuss social democracy. You may ask questions, debate, and all of that.

    The primary purpose of it is to be a place for social democrats to discuss the news, policies, ideology, and whatever they have on their mind.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Why I created this tribe

    Edit: I have renounced the tribe as my work schedule no longer allows me any time for things such as this.

    Why did I create this? Isn't Reddit's /r/socialdemocracy good enough?

    For some reason, social democracy is seen as being on the decline (not everywhere) when it should be on an upswing. You would think that with the looming threat of automation hanging as a threat to so many jobs that social democrats would be ready to adapt automation into their evolutionary goal of transforming capitalism into a pragmatic democratic socialist economy...

    Instead, as I view it, some social democrats are still caught up in a third way trend that should have ended in the early 2000s. Many social democrats don't care for evolutionary socialism and instead see that a strong welfare state is their ideology. But what is the point of social democracy once that strong welfare state is established? Do we simply pat each other on the back, tell ourselves that our mission is accomplished, and head off into the sunset? I believe (and I may be wrong) that having an ideology that is merely one that reverses/prevents other political forces from damaging the existing welfare state is not very visionary.

    I am guilty of the very thing I am critical of above. I believe that electing a social democratic government in my country (Canada) will modernize the state and its laws which was outdated by the result of other political forces.

    It is because of this that I created a tribe on Snapzu. A place where supposedly dialogue between users is not as barbed or vitriol. Although this may not be it, I envision a place where social democrats can talk with one another about policies and values. A place where social democrats from different regions such as Africa or Europe can find what they have in common and what they differ on. A place where social democratic elites can discuss things (without being attacked with vitrolic comments) with normal social democrats. An ideal example of this would be a social democratic politician who after a discussion here would be curious about some of the differing viewpoints on policy that were presented and would then decide to investigate them. I would like to see a united social democratic vision. Neoliberalism swept on a tide of globalization and I see no reason why social democracy cannot use globalization to its advantage as well.

    And we social democrats need a place to discuss these things and maybe envision a united path forward for all of us. At the very least, we should all be dismayed that when I type "social democracy forums" on google the first thing that pops up is a fascist forum...

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