The price of powered foods
I saw the post in /t/newtribes and I had a simple question.
Is it more affordable than the normal price an average person spends on food? How about a thrifty person? If it isn't, then are they planning on making this sort of stuff cheaper in the future?
9 years ago by gremlin
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They are trying to make the cost come down slowly, but it now costs about 10$ a day, which is already pretty affordable for an average person, but there are still way cheaper ways to eat, but probably not as healthy. Of course you can live on pastas and rice, but it won't give you your complete nutrition, and this is what powdered food aims to be. Sooner rather than later, the price will drive further down, and we'll be able to use it in the poorest of places to give the nutrition needed to a lot more people, easily.
I paid much more than that because they don't give up the required origin form to have it duty free under NAFTA (basically, if the producer writes on a form it's a US product, there's no duty to ship it to Canada (or any intra North American dealing)). When asked about it on their forum, they refuse to acknowledge the question.
So, base cost with shipping + reshipping + duties (really heavy!) = way too much.
And I'm really not a fan of the 1.4 I got.
I'll try again when they want to ship to Canada.
Version 1.5 is shipping to Canada now, and takes about 2-3 days to get to you, and it's free shipping as well. 1.4 was...not that good. 1.5 is better, and lighter.
Do they provide the certificates of origin now? It's silly that we have to pay all that duty when we should be exempt.
They are shipping from inside Canada now, so there's no duty to pay :)
I'd like a smaller / cheaper pack then a week. I came to dread the 1.4 and I'd like a much smaller batch this time around.
I haven't ordered from them yet, so I cannot vouch for their quality, but reviews on the net are good so, Jackalent is a new canadian powdered food and they have a 2 day trial for like 21$. A little warning: I think the shipping estimates and delays put it at a month's wait.
That's good to hear, especially if it'll help people in poorer regions. I also think it would be great for dieting, instead of accidently eating too much you can instead accurately measure how many calories you want to consume. And I assume that it is much better for the environment than let's say beef production. I'll definitely keep my eye on soylent/powdered food prices in the future.
You assumed correctly! It is easier and much better for the environment to produce, and dieting is easier - as well as bulking up! Glad to know your interest is piqued, and if there's any questions, I'm around :)