
    And that has what to do with marijuana impairing judgement?

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      Everything in that lists impairs judgement in one way or another in the eyes of the government. Why is marijuana considered the more dangerous substance?

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 10 years ago)
      @drunkenninja -

      Why must you redirect every discussion to nonsense? Reading's influence is not applicable, just as "Why is marijuana considered the more dangerous substance?".

    • drunkenninja

      How exactly is this discussion redirected into nonsense? What exactly are you hoping to get out of this? A confirmation of sorts?

      @drunkenninja -

      I simply stated "It impairs judgement" you took it from there to here.

    • drunkenninja

      I asked a simple question, and you asked one back.. so I answered. You were just as much part in the escalation of this discussion as I was.

      @drunkenninja -

      I never "escalated this discussion" your attempts were adequately rebuffed.

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      Again, your opinion. You took as much part in this discussion as I did.

      @drunkenninja -

      "Your personal experience?" LOL," You took as much part in this discussion as I did.". Yep, kept you on track.

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      "Your personal experience?" LOL," You took as much part in this discussion as I did.". Yep, kept you on track.

      What? I think you're a little confused.

      @drunkenninja -

      Oh, "Your personal experience?" response was deleted, does that mean I can't respond?

    • drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

      Oh, "Your personal experience?" response was deleted, does that mean I can't respond?

      I never posted that, and imokruok's comment still exists. Feel free to respond if you like.

      @drunkenninja -

      I apologize.

    • drunkenninja

      No biggie, figured you just mis-clicked or something...

      @drunkenninja -

      Author was/is overlooked.

    • imokruok

      Did I say something wrong? I wasn't aware this was a private conversation.

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 10 years ago)
      @imokruok -

      No. It isn't /wasn't.