10 years ago
Feds stick to court argument that marijuana is dangerous
The U.S. attorney’s office, representing Obama’s Justice Department, made the argument in a court filing Wednesday opposing a challenge to the long-standing federal law that classifies marijuana as a Schedule One drug along with heroin, LSD and ecstasy — substances that have a high potential for abuse and no safe medical use. While there may be “some dispute among doctors as to whether marijuana is medicine,” there is ample...
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The amount of time and money spent on this is mind-boggling, when they could just be legalizing it and taxing it and making money instead.
Sometimes politicians and people in power put up these ridiculous road blocks because they think its an effective strategy, the problem is, even after 50 years and a failed war on drugs they still think its a good idea to keep going. It makes me happy to know that some day all of these clowns will die off and new more intelligent individuals with viable solutions will come into power.
It impairs judgement.
Your personal experience?
Doesn't alcohol impair judgement? or even prescription drugs?
Yep. So more is better?
I was thinking, we should make everything illegal. Why stop at just marijuana? Lets ban alcohol and prescription drugs too... and while we are at it, why not books, they are known to alter minds too. We should do all the dumb shit people did in the past.
And that has what to do with marijuana impairing judgement?
Everything in that lists impairs judgement in one way or another in the eyes of the government. Why is marijuana considered the more dangerous substance?
Why must you redirect every discussion to nonsense? Reading's influence is not applicable, just as "Why is marijuana considered the more dangerous substance?".
How exactly is this discussion redirected into nonsense? What exactly are you hoping to get out of this? A confirmation of sorts?
I simply stated "It impairs judgement" you took it from there to here.
I asked a simple question, and you asked one back.. so I answered. You were just as much part in the escalation of this discussion as I was.
I never "escalated this discussion" your attempts were adequately rebuffed.
Again, your opinion. You took as much part in this discussion as I did.
"Your personal experience?" LOL," You took as much part in this discussion as I did.". Yep, kept you on track.
What? I think you're a little confused.
Oh, "Your personal experience?" response was deleted, does that mean I can't respond?
I never posted that, and imokruok's comment still exists. Feel free to respond if you like.
I apologize.
No biggie, figured you just mis-clicked or something...
Author was/is overlooked.
Did I say something wrong? I wasn't aware this was a private conversation.
No. It isn't /wasn't.