10 years ago
If You Think the Sony Hack Was a PR Stunt, You’re an Idiot
Over the last few weeks, a handful of people have tweeted at me or emailed to ask what can only be described as a preposterously dumb question. They want to know if I’m behind Sony’s marketing campaign for The Interview or if “someone like me” has orchestrated the entire thing as a stunt.
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I'm boycotting the movie, not because of North Korea, and not because of Sony, but because I fundamentally dislike Seth Rogen on a visceral level.
Something about Seth and Terri Hatcher that sets me on edge. I'd probably punch them if I ever seen them.
Not to say they're not awesome people. Hell, Seth's poop can smell like fresh cinnamon rolls and Terri Hatcher can cure cancer by touch alone and I'd still be gunning for them.
Thanks for the 750xp, snapzu!
Why do people think it was a stunt
His laugh! his stupid laugh is so unbearable I can't watch his movies bacause of it.