• PushPull (edited 9 years ago)

    I'm really tempted to call BS on this. I have a difficult time wrapping my head around this being a gender issue rather than an individual physiology issue. Perhaps females are more prone to being cold, but I have seen enough of the opposite to question if that's the reality of the situation. Now, I don't work in an office environment, but I do work where we don't have control over the facilities' temperature. Usually, if one person is miserable, most are miserable regardless of gender. Side note, my wife would LOVE to be frozen, I'm more a 'comfortable at 80°' type of guy.

    Funny story, I knew a guy who was the facilities manager of a bowling alley, and would CONSTANTLY get hounded to adjust the temperature. He solved the problem by mounting thermostats on the walls behind every fourth lane. When he got asked to adjust the temperature, he'd just point out the thermostats and let the bowlers have their way. Didn't bother telling them that they weren't hooked up. Nobody ever noticed.

    • ttubravesrock

      I moved to interior Alaska primarily for the winters.