• shiranaihito

    Something like Bitcoin but backed by gold would be pretty sweet, and would replace government funny money in widespread use, if our rulers somehow failed to prevent that from happening, of course.

    • FurtWigglepants

      Gold is way to useful to be used as a currency.

      • shiranaihito

        But it was used as a medium of exchange for ages already. So clearly it's not.

        • FurtWigglepants

          I don't understand your logic here?

          • shiranaihito (edited 8 years ago)

            "medium of exchange" ~ "currency" ~ "money"

          • FurtWigglepants
            @shiranaihito -

            Gold's usefulness wasn't as apparent until the computer age though, as it's use as a conductor. So your retort is useless.

          • shiranaihito
            @FurtWigglepants -

            You're smelling a bit trollish now so I'll just move on.

          • FamousFellah
            @FurtWigglepants -

            You're right, but it's not worth arguing with him.