• drunkenninja

    2. Showers. The feeling of stepping into a shower with hot water? A nearly unmatchable sensuously fulfilling experience. You get up early in the morning, walk outside in your bare feet, step on something sharp, curse, grab the paper, walk back into the house, start making coffee in your pot, and open the paper up completely on your table, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and start to read. It’s morning, my friend. You are at home, reading the paper and drinking coffee.

    I was out camping for 2 weeks in the woods, the one thing I most appreciated after was a nice hot shower. Every time I shower now, I keep thinking about that couple of weeks of using cold as fuck water in the river, and or body wipes to keep clean.

    • BruceWillis

      I agree with the safe place to sleep, preferably quiet.