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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Poor Jimmy Savile....

    He touched so many.

  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0 x 1

    /t/letsplay - A tribe for content creators and Let's play viewers

    /t/letsplay goal is to provide a platform for Let's Players to share stories, experiences and help each other grow. On the other hand Snapzites can find creators of Let's Play Videos!

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Let's play opens it's doors!

    Pardon our dust! We are currently setting everything up to create a nice Platform for Let Play Creators of all kinds!

    Looking forward to see you here soon :)

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Change Up- & Downvoting?

    Hello Snapzites!

    I had a thought come up today, I am aware that upvoting is for a post that you like, find interesting or helpful etc. and downvoting is for posts that are violating rules, in the wrong tribe, flamebaiting etc. I am aware where this comes from but I cannot help to think that it is probably confusing to members who never before had the experience of a Snapzu-esque site.

    Now wouldn't it be better if we eliminated the "seemingly polar opposite but with different rules"-connection between up- and downvoting? Like why not make them "Snap" and "Crap" (I literally came up with that on the spot and it's not very PC... I believe that the amazing community can come up with much better names). That way (new) users don't get confused: "When one button is when I like something, the other must be for disliking something"

    I understand that this would be breaking out of the reddit established system, but we are Snapzu! Also such a change would probably spark the next sitewide drama on a site like reddit but I think with the current userbase here it would be possible.

    Anyone with me or am I completely of the rails and should get my coffee first? :) I'd really like to hear input and thoughts about that!

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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +60 60 0

    Hey Snapzites, how did you get that scar?

    My, probably scariest, scar is on my tongue. When I was just a wittle Geepwee we had physical excercise in Kindergarden. Being the clown I always have been I ran around with my tongue sticking out to feign exhaustion, however there was an even bigger clown that thought he should run in the wrong direction. Things came to a head (rimshot) when we collided. Head on. And once he was apllied directly to my forehead I noticed quite a lot of blood, and the problem was it was mine. I bit clean through the middle of my tongue and made a sizeable hole into it. I was brought to the ER and stitched back up plus I got the kindergartener to faint!

    Everything is fine today, but my tongue will always have a sizeable scar, reminding me to not stick my tongue out.

    So how did you get your scar?

    Edit: Oops, didn't have my terminology correct! Thanks /u/chubros :)

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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0


    The creator has been inactive since three months and it would be prime real estate for Youtube Let's play content creators :)

  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Minecraft: Story Mode Reveal Trailer

    Revealed today at MINECON in London... the world premiere trailer and first cast details for Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series!

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Hello snapzu!

    Did you know (I guess, yeah...) that snapzu sounds similar to german "Schnapp zu"? It would mean "Clamp shut".
    So yeah I look forward to meet you all here :)