foli's feed
9 years ago
And here's the code if you don't want to bother launching the game, just plaing in your head :)
<body,t=d(s=0)><p style="float:left" onclick="(e=d(++s)-t)<15e3?style.margin=e%300+' 0 0 '+e*7%300:alert(s)">X</p></body>
9 years agoComment foli
One thing I miss is a magazine layout on tribe pages. On reddit with RES, I can switch to top sorting, load all images, and quickly consume the best of a subreddit by scrolling down endlessly.
Posted in: Site looks neat. Won't need RES for this one
9 years agoLevel Up foli
Level 2
foli is now level 2 with 1,080 XP.
View Unlocks- Profile Title You now have the ability to enter a profile title.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
9 years ago
But what about link snaps? If there's a problem with the linked article (clickbait, poorly written, uninteresting, etc.) I use to downvote it, so that other posts can climb higher on the frontpage. I think the main rule should be: if the snap is opinion, comment instead of downvote.
9 years agoComment foli
Flightradar24 is my go-to time killer. It shows a realtime map of aircraft above you.
Posted in: What are your favourite android apps?