9 years ago
Why We Should Land on Phobos Before We Land on Mars
Rather than an expensive Apollo 8-style flyby or an audacious out-the-gates landing, NASA is mulling landing on the rocky, tiny moon first.
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Think of the amusement parks!
It sucks seeing the pioneer trips being planned so far out. 2030 for the initial flight? That's 15 years away. At that rate, I'll be dead by the time we're actually working to colonize Mars (unless we get a lot longer life spans). I know science takes a long time, but it's just kind of frustrating knowing that I'll probably never leave this planet.
I don't tink going to Mars itself is such a great idea.Seems to be pretty much a death trap to me.
Maybe, but sooner or later we're going to have to learn how to survive outside our own biosphere before we drive ourselves to extinction. The only way to promote the long term survival of our species is to push past our comfort zone and learn to live in hostile environments or to adapt them to our needs.
I try to explain this to my wife all the time.
The only real long-term strategy is to get off-world. We say it all the time- 'Don't have all of your eggs in one basket.' This time, we're the eggs!