• picklefingers

    Over on reddit.com/r/futurology, their thread for this almost immediately killed the buzz.

    Ophthalmologist here. This keeps getting posted and is a lot more hype than substance. This is nothing more than an intraocular lens. We use these every day in cataract surgery already when we remove a patient's current lens and replace it with an artificial one. The "holy grail" of intraocular lens technology has always been a lens that offers a complete range of vision (distance, intermediate, near) much like when we are young (for people without glasses). Looking at the website for this lens' company, there is very little in the way of explanation on how this lens works. There is no press on this in the ophthalmic community. This lens is being promoted without any proof that it works and without any details on how it works. I wouldn't be surprised if the hype was coming from the maker of the lens to drum up investors. Until I see something about HOW this lens works, I'm not holding my breath. If this truly does what the inventor says (doubtful), if would obviously be a game changer and I'm sure I'll be the first in line to implant it into my patients. Tl;dr This is pure hype and no substance. No proof this lens works and no details on how it works. Don't hold your breath.

    • anjin

      so basically it's the E-Cat of lenses... damn science baiting!