9 years ago
Physicists find extreme violation of local realism in quantum hypergraph states
(Phys.org)—Many quantum technologies rely on quantum states that violate local realism, which means that they either violate locality (such as when entangled particles influence each other from far away) or realism (the assumption that quantum states have well-defined properties, independent of measurement), or possibly both. Violation of local realism is one of the many counterintuitive, yet experimentally supported, characteristics of the quantum world.
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Freaking hell, once I think I grasped a little bit what quantum physics actually are all about, there is something like that I don't get at all and it makes me feel dumb.
Talking about quantum physics in English using our normal Aristotelian logic, it doesn't make much sense. It's describing the solutions to mathematical equations. It's like trying to guess what something looks like while only being able to see its shadow. Only the object is a shape from many more than 3 dimensions with many more colours than we can see.
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I don't think anyone quite grasped quantum physics just yet, we are barely scratching the surface.