8 years ago
It’s Time to Wipe Mosquitoes Off the Face of the Earth
"The level of alarm is extremely high,” said the head of the World Health Organization on Thursday, describing the spread of Zika virus around the world. As well it should be: The disease, which seems likely to be causing birth defects, could affect millions of people in several dozen countries. And the virus may be on its way into the U.S. As of Friday morning, no fewer than five New York residents have been diagnosed as Zika positive.
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At this point it looks like it's either them or us.
Having grown in a tropical country, I'm very happy with the idea of exterminating mosquitoes. Actually I'd support painful, horrible ways for them to die rather than quick and painless ways. And then I'd be upset that they don't really have the intelligence to tell the difference.
Note to self: never piss leweb off.
What will the frogs eat if you get rid of the mosquitoes?
They eat a number of different insects. The problem, however, as I see it is mosquitoes are,like it or not, a stopper on unlimited human population. Without them to stop us,we will just breed and breed and breed,till there is nothing left but us,our pets and food animals.
I'm sure there's plenty of other "food" they can live on -- nature has a freaky way of adapting when a mass extinction event happens, natural or otherwise.
So long as we know for certain that the little bastards are absolutely unimportant I say kill them, kill them all!!! The only downside is my aquarium will miss the larvae as I leave a small cup of water outside during the summer so they can be fish food.