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Published 7 years ago by drunkenninja with 5 Comments

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  • ttubravesrock (edited 7 years ago)

    86% who lost 15kg (2st 5lb) or more put their type 2 diabetes into remission

    Only 4% went into remission with the best treatments currently used

    Wow. I'm assuming that this has nothing to do with the drink itself, just with limiting yourself to 800 calories a day and losing 15kg. I know this is a study on Type 2, not Type 1, but it's still exciting to see how quickly it can be reversed.

    • drunkenninja

      I find it fascinating that the body can recover so damn quickly if given the chance!

      • Gozzin

        It sure can and it is astounding. I had GERD for years,and once on keto,it went away and never came back.

    • Gozzin

      The ketogenic diet does the same thing.

      • ttubravesrock

        I know. The headline is sensationalist, but the gist of the study is that people who are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes can generally just lose 15kg and keep it off and the Diabetes will most likely go away.

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