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Published 7 years ago by Gozzin with 4 Comments

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  • kxh

    Nice article. Of course there's a new drug for it: Metformin. Where have I heard of metformin recently? Doesn't Bill Gates take it? Anti-ageing pill pushed as bona fide drug

    • Gozzin (edited 7 years ago)

      I'm glad you liked it. I got a pm saying something was wrong with the link,but apparently it was at their end,not this end,so it's fixed now. Could be so many people hit their website to read it,their server went down.

      Yeah,I've read about Metformin. Some people are giving it to their pets so they will live longer. I'm not sure if Bill Gates takes it or not,but he might. I'd be afraid I'd get the gi side effects,but it has so many positive effects,it might be worth mentioning it one's Doc if you have a laid back gi system. That being said,I'm still doing keto and am not insulin resistant ,cause keto fixes that. Any who,I might not benefit all that much from the drug,but who knows.

      • Appaloosa

        It's a shame how Atkins was so maligned.

        • Gozzin (edited 7 years ago)

          So true. Only like many years later does the real story come out,but for many people,it's way too late and the ship has sailed. But big grain and sugar made astounding profits,so heaaaaaaa! /s

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