9 years ago
Google’s self-driving car is hitting public roads this summer
Google's own self-driving car is almost ready to be tested on public roads. In a blog post, project director Chris Urmson says that a few of the prototype vehicles will drive around Mountain View, California, where the company is based. Safety drivers will accompany the cars, which will be capped at 25mph. Unlike Google's ultimate vision for the vehicles, these cars will come with a removable steering wheel, accelerator pedal, and brake pedal.
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I can't help but think I might be a bit too hopeful for my own good, but I do hope to god that these become well spread and used about in my lifetime. Hopping in the car to sit back, play video games on whatever handheld device I have at the time, and enjoy the ride without stressing that I could be in an accident sounds great. I mean, I love to drive as much as the next guy, but I always get nervous around towns and cities.
Ughh I hate city driving