9 years ago
Google's new self-driving cars cruising streets of Silicon Valley
The latest models of Google's self-driving cars are now cruising the streets near the Internet company's Silicon Valley headquarters.
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So ugly though.
It's not that ugly. I think its actually kind of cute.
I don't care if it looks like the Oscar Meyer Weener-Mobile if I don't have to drive anymore.
What if it looked like this?
I don't know that thing looks like a death box. All it takes is one mistake by someone else.
Totally. I give no shits as long as my magic future car drags my lazy ass around without any effort on my part.
OK but you have to wear that beret and smoke that pipe. It's silicon valley so you would fit right in with all the hipsters.
Guess I better stock up on plaid.
So was Tony Stark's first suit. If this works well we could have a whole line of really nice looking ones later on. Hopefully using an alternate fuel source.
I think it's cute haha!
Only 25 mph, weak.