• SMcIntyre

    No she didn't. The government put her in solitary confinement.

    She put herself in prison by breaking the law, and she put her self in solitary by violating the rules of the Prison.


    Those are the people who should be in jail.

    That very well may be, but that absolutely does not change the fact that she broke the law. There are mechanisms in place for reporting crimes in the military, even ones committed by the military. Likewise the Federal Government has a method for reporting crimes committed by the Federal Government. Neither method includes stealing classified information and delivering it to a foreign national and a member of the media.

    • RoamingGnome (edited 8 years ago)

      I don't give shit if she violated the rules of the prison; solitary confinement is torture. That was the point. But, in your world, I suppose it's okeydokeyfine to torture someone just so long as they broke the law, correct?

      As to the avenues that we have for whistleblowing. Yeah, right. I live in the real world, and in the real world Manning would have been killed before that information was allowed to go public.

      • SMcIntyre

        I don't give shit if she violated the rules of the prison; solitary confinement is torture.

        Solitary confinement is not torture, and anyone who thinks it is has no clue what they're talking about. Period.


        As to the avenues that we have for whistleblowing. Yeah, right. I live in the real world, and in the real world Manning would have been killed before that information was allowed to go public.

        Apparently you live in fantasy land.

        • drunkenninja

          How about we settle for a difference in opinion as this is definitely a subjective matter.

        • RoamingGnome (edited 8 years ago)

          I've been in solitary confinement. You are ignorant. Congratulations.

        • SMcIntyre
          @RoamingGnome -

          Congrats, I'm certain you deserved it. Still doesn't make it torture.

        • SMcIntyre
          @drunkenninja -

          There is nothing subjective about this. Solitary confinement is not torture. That is fact.

          There have been numerous challenges over the years, and while various courts- including the Supreme Court, have found individual cases where specific jails/prisons have acted inappropriately, Solitary Confinement as a practice, has never been found to be unconstitutional. That is fact.

          Solitary confinement is a structured, and carefully managed program used to deal with problem inmates, it's not Shawshank.

        • DabbinDiego

          Solitary confinement is psychological torture. Cutting off stimuli and interactions in humans causes extreme anxiety and depression (along with other things) and that alone qualifies it as psychological torture.

    • DabbinDiego

      She was a whistle-blower, which is supposed to afford an immense amount of legal protection to people who oust the government in the people's best interest. These have been thrown out so that our government can punish people who do to stop it from happening. That is far too authoritarian and against what this country stands for. Now they're using psychological torture against her in order to teach anyone who's thinking of doing the same a lesson. Chelsea manning and Edward Snowden should be national heroes.