There is nothing subjective about this. Solitary confinement is not torture. That is fact.
There have been numerous challenges over the years, and while various courts- including the Supreme Court, have found individual cases where specific jails/prisons have acted inappropriately, Solitary Confinement as a practice, has never been found to be unconstitutional. That is fact.
Solitary confinement is a structured, and carefully managed program used to deal with problem inmates, it's not Shawshank.
There is nothing subjective about this. Solitary confinement is not torture. That is fact.
There have been numerous challenges over the years, and while various courts- including the Supreme Court, have found individual cases where specific jails/prisons have acted inappropriately, Solitary Confinement as a practice, has never been found to be unconstitutional. That is fact.
Solitary confinement is a structured, and carefully managed program used to deal with problem inmates, it's not Shawshank.