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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 1 Comments

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  • rosellem (edited 9 years ago)

    “Yes, the government will be somewhat inept,” he said brusquely, swatting aside one objection as a trivial statement of the obvious. “But the private sector is in general inept."

    Love this quote. I wish more people understood that.

    edit: I had to post that quote right away, but now that I've read the whole article, I'd say it is full of common sense. Nothing groundbreaking, but nice to see someone with so much money pushing for it. I particularly like his point about health research:

    Well, the success of the United States in medical research is really incredible. I mean, it’s phenomenal. We spend $30 billion a year of government money, and the private sector goes out and comes up with new drugs. It’s an industry that the U.S. is by far the leader in—creating wonderful jobs, great miracle cures—and that is working super, super well, but we spend more than all other countries put together.

    Government funded research is an underrated way of improving our economy and our world.

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