• MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)

    " there's tons of bullshit being thrown around, I'm limiting myself to things he said for which we have video evidence, and don't require a lot of interpretation". Not a "lot of interpretation", just yours, for example:

    "Do you believe in punishment for abortion?" You omitted "if abortion becomes illegal" I know of course you did not mean to.


    My favorite: "Being a honest politician nowadays is a guarantee for failure it seems :(" Please list all known to you on the national scene, other than Hillary.


  • leweb

    If your best argument is LOL I guess there's no point trying to have an intelligent debate. I'm out.

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)
      @leweb -

      Can't you just admit your own "bullshit being thrown around" just hit you square in the face.

      Of course not, It's the appropriate LOL