• frohawk

    You know, I fit that description of a mass murder fairly well in m teens, except for being a girl and not white parts. I wonder why those feelings lead to violence for males so readily as opposed to female?

    Is it really just a matter of raising and culture differences?

    • Qukatt

      i would posit that it's maybe a part to do with macho culture for men, you're always told to man up and stop complaining and stop crying and X Y Z emotions are for girls and you're not a girl are you you're a man! So behave like a MAN! MEN fix their problem by kicking it in the balls!

      MEN like sex with lots of women and have no trouble getting it and men men men blah blah.

      So I can imagine that many men living with this suffocating and constant narrative find it difficult to safely vent out the emotions they're not supposed to have and to deal with situations that Machoism dictates they're not supposed to be in. Couple that with the attention that violent offenders receive from the media on an international scale and you end up with a pretty disturbing mental cocktail.

      Sadly it doesn't matter how well we raise our sons personally to be kind and sensitive and fine with not conforming to machoism because odds are there's a very pushy and vocal group of boys pushing them to be macho... we all know peer pressure is potent.

      • jenjen1352

        There's a lot in that argument. And I notice that men are more likely to visibly lose their temper - road rage and the like. Perhaps it is hormones after all...

        Lonely men become mass murderers; lonely women creepy cat ladies.

        • kdawson

          Don't bring the old loner thing into it. In real life most mass/serial killers have social lives and families. As far as the FBI profile goes, my old forensics professor said FBI stands for fucking bunch of idiots. Don't believe all their PR.

        • Qukatt

          I wouldn't say it is a loneliness factor but more of a break in reasoning that you get when you no longer know what to do. the brain likes to think it always has an answer so when a person literally has no idea what to do about a situation some people will break down and try to get away, others will shut down and others still will just snap and lash out.

          Men need to understand they can seek help and have the cultural support for them accepting mental and emotional help when they need it.