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Published 9 years ago by collude with 5 Comments

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  • Nelson

    Basically following Origin's lead. Good to see.

    • collude

      I wonder if this has anything to do with all the scrutiny they've been getting from the EU regarding their return policies.

      • Nelson

        I don't see why not. They make enough money to not worry about stuff like this. The 2 hour limit kills any chance of trying to game the system.

  • drunkenninja

    This is great news!, I've always wanted to try a few games only to be afraid thinking that once I buy it and hate it I will never be able to return it. I think I will buy and keep/play more games now that I have an option to return a game if its not something I like.

    • LotusLoserSutra

      Why don't you torrent first and decide then? If you like it then purchase it.

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