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Published 9 years ago by Autumnal with 7 Comments

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  • Ryvaeus

    Early Access for hardware, who didn't see this coming?

  • ortsac (edited 9 years ago)

    Well that sucks. I suppose it's better to wait on these things anyways, just to avoid any launch bugs.

  • raazman

    I got myself the Link and the controller. I hope this pans out well for both devices, especially the controller with it's nonconventional layout. I'm excited!

    • ProtoJazz

      I do like the look of the controller.

  • HauntedCryme

    I'm in two minds on this. On one hand, I want a controller. On the other, I want to wait and see a few things about it before I commit to a purchase. Things including:

    How it handles the wireless connection - bluetooth or dongle? How well it plays with non-steam games - I'd love to play Diablo 3 on my TV, and Steam Controller seems a good way to go, but how well it integrates with it is yet to be seen.

    If both of these are answered shortly after launch, I'll probably grab one in the second wave.

    • Autumnal

      My wife ordered me the bundle and I love d3,ill let you know how it runs :D

      • HauntedCryme

        Thank you for this! I'm really interested as to how it'll work over steam link too. I'm guessing you'll launch the launcher, then have to go to the PC to actually launch the game, then back to the TV to play it..if at all...I also bought Elite Dangerous before it was on Steam, and so this is a concern also.

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