• NotWearingPants

    Comey, Brennan, and Clapper have all testified to congress, under oath, and have said there is no proof of collusion.

    Are they lying? Are they incompetent? Are the media "leaks" pushing fake news and a particular agenda?

    If there's a 4th option, I don't see it.

    If we completely walk back the collusion story and make it "well they hacked the DNC and Podesta's emails and released them. And propaganda.

    It's pretty clear there was no DNC hack. Seth Rich was the source because the DNC cheated Bernie. The only "proof" offered was Crowdstrike's assertion. FBI never had access to the servers, even after they requested it. Podesta's password was "password". Or was it "password1"? Again, no proof of a Russian hack has been offered.

    Leaves us with "they propaganda-ed" us. Strangely, no one has pointed to particular propaganda pieces. It's all generalizations and a Jedi hand wave.

    • AdelleChattre

      Podesta's password was "password."

      • NotWearingPants

        Should have g one with ihatemyjob1.

      • AdelleChattre

        Why'd you downvote this, MagisterLudi? You woke up under the wrong side of the bridge that night?

        • jcscher

          Maybe flooding?

          • AdelleChattre

            Maybe he ate some teen that didn't agree with him?