• NotWearingPants

    I like free stuff. But how do you pay for it?

    • AdelleChattre

      Oh, you know, Faustian bargain.

    • doorking

      We probably pay for it already. And it appears that automation is going to take the jobs of truck drivers, people who mow lawns, burger flippers, waiters and waitresses, bus boys. Anything repetitive and manual and many things that aren't manual can be automated.

      • AdelleChattre (edited 6 years ago)

        First they came for the truckers
        And I did not freak out
        Because I was not a trucker
        Then they came for the reporters
        And I did not freak out
        Because I was not a reporter
        Then they came for the lawyers
        And I did not freak out
        Because I was not a lawyer
        Then they came for the doctors
        And I did not freak out
        Because I was not a doctor
        Then they came for me
        And there was no one left
        To cut me a paycheck