• jerinoos

    Umm isn't he a convicted felon? I know he was pardoned but a pardon does not expunge your record.

    • drunkenninja

      When has that stopped anyone in politics? Especially US politics in the era of Trump :D

      • jcscher (edited 6 years ago)

        So damn true! :(

    • 66bnats

      Exactly right, he's a felon on paper. He was found guilty in federal court. Just because he was pardoned, that charge does not go away. I honestly don't know what will come out of this.

    • NinjaKlaus

      Federally there is no law that states a felon can't run for office, that would be up to a state constitution. Just a quick scan of the Arizona election law doesn't seem to preclude him from running, just voting. Arizona 2006 Election Laws