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Published 9 years ago by caelreth with 7 Comments

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  • spaceghoti

    They're not going to let anything so petty as public feedback change their policy positions. It's been eighty years since the passage of Social Security and they're still trying to take it down by any means possible.

    • drunkenninja

      You would think it's a problem with old and stubborn people set in their ways, but its been 80 years, that's at least 3 generations of the same mind set. How is that even possible.

      • spaceghoti

        It's also one of the most popular government programs in US history. The same thing happens with other government programs. Republicans have spent years attacking public perceptions and building up a narrative in which everything the government does is bad, even when people like it. Their voting base is demonstrably misinformed, which is what the GOP needs in order to stay in power. It's also at the heart of voter suppression efforts which has been ongoing for generations.

        Things like this are why I am no longer a Republican, much to my family's dismay.

      • caelreth

        Because old people teach young people and hand down their philosophies.

  • jcscher

    A lot of people still vote for them.

    • caelreth

      True, but if that 'a lot of people' isn't a majority, it still spells trouble for them.

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