blue2501's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Can we stop making "muh freedomz" a meme? It trivializes real censorship.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Rule #1: Rice vinegar may taste good, but do not put more than the recipe calls for. It's designed to make the rice sticky.

    Posted in: How To Make Sushi Rice

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Not to mention the first two words of the article.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501
  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    But who can I vote for to oppose the TPP, TISA, TTIP and the rest of that transnational “investor rights” alphabet soup?

    Some politicians oppose it. Bernie Sanders is fiercely against the TPP. Given that this is a "free trade" vs. class inequality fight, you're likely going to find more Democrats that oppose it than Republicans.

    Which one‘s going to disband the CIA?

    That's ludicrous. Every country needs a spy agency.

    The TSA?

    Politicians gotta fly planes just like the rest of us. There are some that are fed up with it. John Mica's a strong opponent of it, as is Rand Paul. Hell, ask any politician and you'll probably get a negative response on the state of the TSA.

    Which one knows that torture and extrajudicial lethal collective punishment are immoral?

    That's easy: the Democrats. Neocons instituted this illegal "torture is okay" doctrine, and liberals have been staunchly opposed to it.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    They couldn’t see any difference between the candidates

    These people don't have a clear understanding of the differences of the two parties. Sure, some candidates are more moderate than others, but even those people have a clear opinion of many different topics, like abortion, LGBT rights, gun laws, taxes on the rich, etc., etc., etc. And those opinions will be the complete opposite of the other candidate.

    The only reason why Democrats don't vote is because of low-information voters.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Wasn't this restaurant just a front for money laundering?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    All corn is GMO corn. Its original wild ancestor isn't even edible. We've been genetically modifying corn for over 9000 years.

    Posted in: Why are GMOs Bad?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501


  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    The title is rather click-baity. A 19yo had sex with a 13yo (or 14, the article is inconsistent), who pretended she was 17. Sure, that might be two "teens" in the strictest sense, but the guy is an adult, and the girl is barely a teen.

    The age difference seems rather stark. No, I don't think the punishment fits the crime, but he should have also taken more care in making sure she was as old as she said she was. I can't think of any scenario where this kind of sexual consent gap should be legal.

    I do think there should be a bit more flexibility in that 18-21yo spot. There are still states (like California) that will put a 18yo in jail for having sex with a 17yo. That needs to change.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501
  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    I was in the same boat. I didn't even think to buy one because I didn't think there was a point besides needing something to tell the time. My wife got me a Pebble a few years ago, and I was surprised how useful it was. I could read email and texts from my watch, instead of fumbling with my phone (Android here, too) all the time. I got calendar notifications that I might have missed otherwise. I could filter calls from my watch. It was refreshing to do a lot of tiny things from my watch that would have required more time to do from my phone, just because I would have needed to get it out of my pocket, log in, and check something that takes 3 seconds to read.

    I would definitely recommend the Pebble over some overly expensive, battery draining, fashion accessory like Apple's watch. Also, yeah, I doubt Apple would play nice with Android.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501


  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    This is par for the course for Jobs. Just look at all of the other overpriced products they push onto their cult. Put shit into a box, call it the Apple Shit, price it at $150, and they would sell at least a million dollars easy.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Difference being that you can't overprice a watch.

    Sure you can. If the watch is more expensive than many people are willing to buy, then you have overpriced the watch. Also, with other smart watches already on the market, people are going to compare various brands and prices when making their decision.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Meanwhile, I get plenty of use from my Pebble. Not overpriced, lasts for days, came out years ago.

    As usual, Apple is late to the game and pretends that they invented the thing.

  • 9 years ago
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    Hat Trick

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  • 9 years ago
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    Good Image

    Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations blue2501 on this achievement!

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    Here are some other snaps you may like...

    Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders, Rubio, Bernie Sanders

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    And yet, here he is, with his comment still above zero, because you guys are so petrified to downvote. So, if the community at large agrees he has a valid enough opinion, then have a discussion with him. Quit arguing about petty bullshit.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blue2501

    I think this completely broke my passive-aggressive meter.

  • 9 years ago
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