blahblahgabor's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Video/Audio blahblahgabor

    WHITE - Blush (Official Video)

    Glasgow, Scotland Band. There’s something appropriately off-colour about WHITE, a Glasgow pop outfit sending the genre’s conventions into dark grimy corners. With a mixture of glam and funk. It’s led by Leo Condie, a magnetic frontman.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    I am a little late to this party which is typical for me (but I always bring edibles to make up for it!).

    Any time light is shined into the dark the results are usually positive. Many of the journalists, magazines and web sites reviewing games were operating without any written journalistic ethical guidelines to govern their actions. These guidelines ensure some level of objectivity and would require the disclosure of the relationships that existed between the game developer and the game reviewer. Even though the reality is that most of us rely on the reviews of other gamers, we should expect a minimum level of journalistic integrity.

    Also, many were insulted by the descriptions of gamers as being puerile, misogynistic, racist and homophobic. I don't disagree that these types of users exist, but no more than in wider society. That's why when I play COD I stick to FFA (oh, yeah, I don't like taking orders from 12-year-olds, either). While superficially the response by some gamers might have been immature and inflammatory, the end result might be positive.

    Politics seems to infuse every facet of our lives right now. I just want to be left alone to play my games.

    "He who fusses over anything spoils it".

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Kindness. generosity, truthfulness, humility, forgiveness, compassion, enlightened loyalty and the ability to say, "I don't know, but I am here for you".

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement blahblahgabor

    Good Image

    Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations blahblahgabor on this achievement!

    +2175 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Thanks. I am trying not to blahblah up the front page/feeds. I will mostly post in Qnation. You are always welcome to subscribe, my friend, too. Laters.

  • 9 years ago
    Video/Audio blahblahgabor

    Bastille- Pompeii [Monsieur Adi Remix] 2013

    Monsieur Adi is a gay French electronic musician, producer, and remixer. He first became noticed in 2010 for creating official remixes for British pop singer/songwriter Ellie Goulding and has since created official remixes for Beyoncé, Lana Del Rey, Bastille, Laura Mvula, The Kooks and others.

  • 9 years ago
    Video/Audio blahblahgabor

    Shirley House - Carry On (Official Video)

    Electro-Vogue - New York, New York A blend of voice, dance, and electronic music, in a land far, far away from convention. Pop, House, World, Soul- This is Shirley House.

  • 9 years ago
    Video/Audio blahblahgabor

    Never Believe in You - Beecher's Fault

    Beecher’s Fault hails from beautiful Astoria, New York. The leaders of the band, Ken Lamken and Ben Taylor, met in New Jersey a few years back before they booked it to NYC to seek out the limelight after realizing their musical compatibility. Max Maples (drums) and Serge Ruccolo (Bass) now complete the quartet that has been said to have live performances that produce a “wall of sound” complemented by “raw, honest lyrics” and “pristine vocal harmonies”.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    You should volunteer for the event, too. You might have to empty spit buckets but you get a nifty free T-shirt and get to hear thousands of porta-potty doors slamming shut for hours on end (odd, but is an amazing sound). And, the brewery line you work with give you as much beer as you wanna drink in a regular sized cup! The GABF is one of my favorite events.

  • 9 years ago
    Current Event blahblahgabor

    Elizabeth Warren just gave the speech that Black Lives Matter activists have been waiting for

    'None of us can ignore what is happening in this country,' Warren says. 'Black lives matter.'

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Yeah. I am not a fan of the cold. Austin remains my favorite place in the world- the people, the music and the food. Oh, yeah and the bars. There's nothing better than a breakfast taco and hot salsa to start the morning. Fireplace? I would have turn my thermostat down!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    ….My own view, as a struggling and doubting person of faith, is that truth matters in whatever mode we find it — but ultimate truth, because we are not ultimate beings, will always elude us. The search for this truth is the point….. Humans cannot live without this search, never have and never will. Our consciousness asks questions to which there will never be a complete answer; we are religious because we are human. And the challenge of our time is neither the arrogant dismissal of religious life and heritage, nor the rigid insistence that all metaphysical questions are already answered or unaskable, but a humble openness to history and science and revelation in the journey of faith….” quote from Andrew Sullivan.

  • 9 years ago
    Current Event blahblahgabor

    Danny Pintauro's Big Secret Reveal To Oprah? He's Been HIV-Positive For 12 Years

    Last week former Who's the Boss star Danny Pintauro told Oprah Winfrey that he had a big secret to share with her and her millions of viewers and last night he revealed that he's been HIV-positive for the past dozen years.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Hey, welcome. I am refugee as well. My main interest is music so you might try /t/newmusic. (I plugged the it only because you asked). It is a work in progress as I have only had it one day, but there are good bands and artists that I added today. Please visit and submit.

    Posted in: Hey all, I'm new

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    I, like the author, am a person who lives in a neighborhood that is going through gentrification. I have mixed feelings. On one hand, many of the neighborhoods in Austin had residences that needed renovation and many new small businesses have been established to provide products and services for these new residents. Most of us live in an urban area for the myriad of choices and amenities available, and more importantly, the availability of employment.

    My educational background includes urban planning, public affairs and economics, and gentrification does seem at first glance to be controversial and, perhaps, even negative for certain constituencies. On the other hand, gentrification also reflects that a city is still growing, changing and attracting citizens who can help make the city more vibrant, even better, or maybe just different. Cultural changes are inevitable in some sense.

    The reality is that economics creates winners and losers in society. In an environment of diminishing resources for local governments, the lack of political support that would help create affordable housing alternatives, and, the grim fact that poorer communities have less influence on public policy, I can't identify a workable solution.

    I know that there is a moral imperative to value each citizen and that we should have equal opportunities that should include access to affordable housing. But, I feel like there is little that can be done to mitigate this social problem. It doesn't make me feel good, but the pragmatist in me tells me to fight a battle that can be won.

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up blahblahgabor

    Level 8

    blahblahgabor is now level 8 with 31,180 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement blahblahgabor

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations blahblahgabor on this achievement!

    +3710 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor


  • 9 years ago
    Achievement blahblahgabor

    Midnight Express

    Published 2/2 expression snaps! Congratulations blahblahgabor on this achievement!

    +1855 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Expression blahblahgabor

    Op-ed: 5 Things I Learned From Dating a Bi Guy

    Three years after we broke up, the lessons my bisexual ex-boyfriend taught me still ring true. 

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    What a waste. I hope they understand that they are literally killing joy. I can't wait until weed is legalized everywhere. What a true cost-saving measure that will be.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    One Direction is a much more attractive and talented group than BSB ever was, so I say no. Not that boy bands are my genre by any means.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Leaving a club downtown and not remembering where I parked.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Austin TX.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment blahblahgabor

    Best roasted chicken ever.