Post Overview
11 years ago+19 19 0 x 2The Archaeology of Beer
Ancient, hybrid brews embody a past before ale and wine became separate categories.
11 years ago+11 11 0The States of Our Union ... Are Not All Strong
On Tuesday, President Obama, if precedent holds, will declare that the state of America’s union is “strong.” Is it? One way to judge is by the state of the states of the union: How strong are they, and, dare we ask, which is the strongest?
11 years ago+30 30 0 x 2Composer Creates Stunning Piece Using Only a Bicycle
Johnnyrandom, a crafty composer, uses only a bicycle to create an interesting piece of music.
11 years ago+19 19 0China's Chicken Syndrome, and the Man in the Iron Curtain
Stare long enough at these twin images, and you will never see a map of China again without thinking of an agitated chicken flapping its wings as it runs eastward to chase a - what is that?
11 years ago+14 14 015 astounding examples of photorealism
These drawings created from pencils, inks and paints are unbelievably photorealistic. You won't believe your eyes!
11 years ago+15 15 0 x 1Can Silence Be Music?
John Cage’s 4’33″ is commonly described as “four and a half minutes of silence,” but in fact it’s the opposite — Cage hoped to lead the audience to hear the ambient sounds of the concert hall as music, to accept as art sounds that they wouldn’t norma ...
11 years ago+20 20 0A Gorgeous Time-Lapse of Fall in New York's Central Park
Jamie Scott spent six months photographing fifteen color-saturated landscapes to make this video.
11 years ago+16 16 0Notes on Blindness
An official selection of the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. In 1983, after years of deteriorating vision, the writer and theologian John Hull lost the last traces of light sensation. For the next three years, he kept a diary on audiocassette of his int ...
11 years ago+14 14 0Botany Building
For thousands of years, man has practiced the art of tree and plant shaping. There are many methods for actively influencing a tree’s growth, such as bonsai, topiary, espalier, pleaching, and grafting. Some of these methods may be used together to ...
11 years ago+14 14 0The most beautiful mushrooms in the world
Look at the most beautiful and wonderful mushrooms that exist on our planet.
11 years ago+22 22 0The world’s largest island within a lake on an island within a lake on an island
Welcome to Vulcan Point
11 years ago+18 18 0Why Is the Solar System Flat?
This short video explains why.
11 years ago+14 15 1 x 1A Photographer Hurled Water Balloons At Intimidating Bald Men. The Results Are Amazing.
Professional photographer Tim Tadder gathered a bunch of awesome bald men and hurled water balloons at their heads to capture the explosion of water at various intervals. He named this project "Water Wigs."
11 years ago+18 18 09 Year Old Girl Quietly Takes The Stage. What She Did Next Gave Me Chills.
She took a deep breath and waited for the curious crowd to fall silent. Then, the voice of an angel flowed out of her tiny body.
11 years ago+17 17 0Pareidolia: Why we see faces in hills, the Moon and toasties
People have long seen faces in the Moon, in oddly-shaped vegetables and even burnt toast, but a Berlin-based group is scouring the planet via satellite imagery for human-like features. What's behind our desire to see faces in our surroundings, a ...
11 years ago+20 20 0Painted Ships on Painted Oceans: an Accidental Map of the Doldrums
Take millions of data points, each one a geolocated entry plucked from a digitised collection of 18th- and 19th-century ships’ logs, pin them all on a blank canvas, and you get this extraordinary world map.
11 years ago+21 21 0 x 1Cities at Night, Minus Light Pollution
Once Thierry Cohen finds an image within his chosen city, this dedicated photographer takes meticulous notes: time, angle, latitude and longitude of the exposure. He then tracks the Earth’s rotation and goes hunting for perfect darkness. What would h ...
11 years ago+13 13 0Here's Exactly How Much the Government Would Have to Spend to Make Public College Tuition-Free
And the grand total is...
11 years ago+8 9 1 x 1Tessellated Masks Folded from One Sheet of Uncut Paper
These masks may look like complex woven mats of metal or fabric – and that would be impressive – but the truth is even more astounding. Origami artist Joel Cooper uses a folding method called tessellation to create his elaborate masks out of one piec ...
11 years ago+17 17 0Exploring Climate Change through Photorealistic Art
Zaria Forman's nearly photorealistic works exquisitely capture the atmosphere and mood of a landscape in flux.