Post Overview
11 years ago+16 16 0 x 1Imperfect Sculptures by Bruno Catalano
Bruno Catalano was born in 1960 in southern France. This current series is called “Les Voyageurs” and was displayed in Marseilles as the city was the European Capital of Culture in 2013.
11 years ago+13 13 0 x 2Storm turns lighthouses into a chilling masterpiece
Hollywood set designers make a career out of creating enchanted towers and mythic-looking castles for big-budget fantasy films. But if you visit one of the Great Lakes in the winter, you can often see those special effects in real life without spendi ...
11 years ago+13 13 0Beautiful, Alien-Looking ‘Fabergé Fractals’
Web developer Tom Beddard has created a gorgeous series of fractals using his WebGL-based fractal engine, Fractal Lab. Titled ‘Fabergé Fractals’, Beddard’s work looks like a beautiful, mesmerizing cross between Fabergé Eggs and alien technology.
11 years ago+11 11 0Why Do CEOs Make So Much Money?
In 1965, the typical CEO at one of America's 500 largest companies made 20x more than his typical worker. Today, she makes more than 200x. What happened? There is a practical answer and a philosophical answer.
11 years ago+28 28 0 x 1China's Empty Cities
Why are so many uninhabited cities still being built in China? Dateline returns to update one of its most watched stories, China's Ghost Cities, to find out.
11 years ago+18 18 0 x 1Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days
For almost every day last month Malaysian artist/architect Hong Yi (who often goes by the nickname Red) created a fun illustration made with common (and occasionally not so common) food. Her parameters were simple: the image had to be comprised entir ...
11 years ago+16 17 1A Ghost of May Days Past: East Germany Rises Again!
Long time, no see: the DDR resurfaces - on a 2013 electoral map.
11 years ago+15 15 0Hyperbolic maze
Try not to use the cheat at the end of the instructions. But if you're successful without it, I'll be impressed.
11 years ago+10 10 0Stacking 9 liquids of various densities, seeing where different objects float
You may already have everything you need to perform this experiment at home.
11 years ago+7 8 1A Most Profound Math Problem
To postulate that P ≠ NP is to allow for a world of mystery, difficulty, and frustration—but also of discovery and inquiry
11 years ago+23 23 0Meet the Enemy of Killer Fungus that Turns Ants into Zombies
This fame might make it seem there is just one fungus that can create such a nightmare. But in fact there are many species of them, and zombifying ants is not their only speciality.
11 years ago+19 19 0One number unites anything that flies or swims
There are similarities in the way a bird flies through the air and a dolphin swims through the water. And yet how do you compare the flap of a butterfly to the enormous movement of a blue whale? The best way, it turns out, is with their respective St ...
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11 years ago+17 17 0Mind-Blowing Spinning Chocolate Illusion
Check out this incredible chocolate display illusion filmed at a candy factory exhibit in Melbourne, Australia.
11 years ago+23 23 010 Most Bizarre Borders Around the World
There's often an interesting history behind borders.
11 years ago+16 16 0 x 1Sex, Drugs and Border Changes
A combination of sex and drugs (and possibly rock 'n roll) is forcing two governments to change the border that divides them. The Presqu'ile de l'Islal, a small Belgian peninsula stranded on the Dutch bank of the river Meuse, is to cha ...
11 years ago+13 13 0 x 1The Physics of Ants
They can flow like a liquid and bounce back like a solid. Masses of fire ants show a duality that intrigues physicists.
11 years ago+22 22 030 incredible views you’d see if you were a bird (or a plane or a satellite)
Beautiful shots from above
Current Event
11 years ago+19 19 0Egyptian Author Warns of Uprising Fueled by… Jon Stewart?
A popular Egyptian author has reason to fear the future of his nation, believing that there are forces trying to undermine Egypt and bringing about an insurrection of sorts, and one of the people involved in this global subversion is Jon Stewart.
Current Event
11 years ago+19 19 0'Military-Style' Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S.
When U.S. officials warn about "attacks" on electric power facilities these days, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a computer hacker trying to shut the lights off in a city with malware. But a more traditional attack on a powe ...
11 years ago+16 16 0The Devil Within
A bit of a trifle, but humorous nonetheless.