11 years ago
A Photographer Hurled Water Balloons At Intimidating Bald Men. The Results Are Amazing.
Professional photographer Tim Tadder gathered a bunch of awesome bald men and hurled water balloons at their heads to capture the explosion of water at various intervals. He named this project "Water Wigs."
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I wonder how he got those effects, the balloons couldn't have been hurled, some of these must have been stationary.
Yes, I think the title is inaccurate. I think the photographer selected balloons with the shapes he wanted, put them in place, and popped them. The mohawk photos show it best. There's no way a hurled balloon would pop like that.
Yep, I'm guessing a popping mechanism on a timer hidden behind the subject would work best. Photographer can then ready the camera and capture these awesome shots. Well done either way!