8 years ago
Coming Soon: Gut Bacteria That Actually Cure Your Disease
Everybody's talking about gut bacteria. Pick a disease or disorder, and somebody, somewhere, has said that a probiotic supplement—an over-the-counter, unregulated pill usually filled with a single strain of friendly gut bacteria—might cure it, whether it’s cancer, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or a yeast infection. But there’s very little evidence that probiotic supplements do any good. “There’s a lot of promise here but not a lot of proof yet,” said Cliff McDonald, associate director for science at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion.
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So poop transplants for every disease? After all these centuries, we'll end up going back to the good old poop medicine. Ancient Egyptians would be proud.
Yep...Most old stuff people came up with is useless,but poop,maggots and leeches have found a spot in modern medicine.
And to belong to the 1%..Everyone else can just curl into a little ball and die for all these price gouging companies care. $635 smackers is a bit much.
All jokes aside, I find this to be absolutely fascinating. Good on science for figuring this shit out. No pun intended.
Same here. I've lost count of how many videos I've watched on this subject.
In my case,a German probiotic was prescribed for me due to dysbiosis after my 2and colonoscopy,which also involved polyp resection. I had quite a few problems after and was told my biome never returned to normal.. It's about 75% normal now and I'll remain under the care of a gastroenterologist for the foreseeable future. Was it worth the price of admission? Since the procedure prevented colon cancer (and was interesting to watch), yup.